Saturday, June 4, 2011

Aircel and one-nation theory

Its criminal when we call ourselves one nation, and I wonder whom we are kidding. Just to get a raw perspective you should meet the makers of the ad showing the 'supposed' army officer using Aircel- and find out how many man hours it took them to name the lead role player... names from the south were not approved, just as names from the north were rejected... there was chaos in naming the actor.

It is better for our nation to go federal, and allow just defense and foreign affairs to be ruled from Delhi and end this farce of being a nation that never was.

Compartmentalising our nation is the only way forward, so that we can restrict corruption to the top one or two levels and the rest of the country can go ahead and work without this fear.
One visit to Gujarat and you will realize that its not going to be some industrially backward state of the north east, but the most modern one in the west that will demand to break away from the Union. There is no connection mental or physical between the Gujarat led by Mr. Modi and Chattisgarh. Roads, industries infrastructure are stripping the other states by leaps and bounds and therefore soon a day will come when they will realize its not worth the burden of carrying along beggar states that pull down them down economically.

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